In Soul Care Groups, Spiritual direction is the pathway for Holy listening to God, onself, and to others—while journeying towards a deeper likeness to Christ.
Unlike traditional Bible studies, our focus is less on study and more on quieting the mind and listening with the heart through the practice of group spiritual direction. We achieve this by intentionally slowing down, creating space for stillness and silence, and then offering support and companionship as each member shares where they are in life's journey.
I am passionate about guiding individuals into this intimate space with God through the simple yet profound act of listening prayer. The transformation that occurs, both in your own life and in the lives of those around you, is the very essence of what we seek. It is a journey towards a deeper understanding of God's love and a broader sense of belonging to His family—a transformation that extends far beyond ourselves and into the wider community.
Motherhood & Spiritual Identity Group
Motherhood breaks us open in ways that can leave us searching for who we are in light of our new reality and role. A contemplative motherhood group provides a nurturing space for mothers to ground themselves in the present season of motherhood. Here, they can engage in deep listening, attuning their hearts to hear God's voice amidst the busyness of life. Through reflective practices and shared experiences, mothers find reassurance in their identity in God, recognizing that their worth and purpose are rooted in him above all else. Each weekly meeting will center around a specific theme, serving as a catalyst for profound reflection and contemplation in the presence of God.
Becoming present to the gift of the now
Following the pages of the book, what is the story God is writing in your life in this place and time
Seeking God in the ordinary routines - living in step with God
Naming the longings and losses
Entrusting our own and our children’s life to God
Wonder and joy
In one-on-one spiritual direction sessions, participants benefit from 60 minutes of focused interaction with a trained spiritual director. This dedicated and sacred space provides an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to orchestrate and illuminate the dialogue. Serving as the ultimate guide, the Spirit of God facilitates the conversation, nurturing an environment where individuals may depart with a heightened awareness of God's loving action and presence at work in their lives and hearts. My prayer is that as individuals mature and deepen in their faith journey, they may discover a heightened sensitivity to the presence and workings of God.
“The environment of spiritual direction, then, is affirming and encouraging, but it is also a place of authenticity. In spiritual direction we look at the truth of our present situation and experience. The question asked is not "What should be happening in my life?" but "What is happening in my life?" We look for God here, now, because the place where we are in our lives is the place where we find God. Our souls, our lives, are the dwelling place of God.”
-Alice Fryling

“In spiritual direction we look at the truth of our present situation and experience. The question asked is not "What should be happening in my life?" but "What is happening in my life?" We look for God here, now, because the place where we are in our lives is the place where we find God. Our souls, our lives, are the dwelling place of God.”
— Quote source
Spiritual formation encompasses contemplative methods designed to create space for hearing God's voice
Silent prayer, also known as contemplative prayer or Christian meditation, is a form of prayer rooted in the Christian tradition that emphasizes quieting the mind, stilling the heart, and attentively resting in the presence of God. Unlike vocal or petitionary prayer, where words are spoken aloud, silent prayer involves entering into a receptive state of inner stillness, allowing space for God to speak to the heart in the depths of silence.
Lectio Divina, Latin for "Divine Reading," is a traditional Christian practice of prayerful reading and meditation on Scripture. It has its roots in the early monastic tradition and is characterized by a slow, contemplative engagement with sacred texts.
Lectio Divina is not merely an intellectual exercise but a prayerful encounter with the living Word of God. It is a way of deepening one's relationship with God, nurturing spiritual growth, and discerning God's will.
A short, meaningful phrase or prayer. It is a way of connecting with God on a deep level and fostering a sense of spiritual presence and peace.
Take a moment to breathe and nourish your soul at our Soul Care Days.
Designed as a “mini retreat for your soul” – the day is dedicated to nurturing your connection with God. These moments of intentional pause serve as gentle reminders to pause, reflect, and find peace in his presence.
You’ll find yourself surrounded and encouraged by women just like you - seeking connection, community, and a little bit of time to press pause. Join us in this space where you can exhale, share stories, and form lasting bonds with other incredible women.
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” - Mark 6:31 (NIV)